Frequently Asked Questions

How does LPA communicate with its parents?

The website for Leadership Preparatory Academy is the official source of information. We also send information through Infinite Campus. When messages are sent through Infinite Campus, it will enter your email labeled as INFINITE CAMPUS. We have asked parents several times, to make sure that their email address is accurate with the main office. If you are not receiving this information, it is because you have not complied with the multiple requests to update your information in Infinite Campus. We are unable to update your email address at this time since school is officially closed.

How do I pick up my child’s medication?

If your child has prescription medication that is housed in the clinic at LPA and you need to retrieve it, please email Dr. Williams to make arrangements to pick the medicine up on Monday, March 16, 2020 between the hours of 12:00 noon and 2:00 pm. Please do not show up at the school without emailing Dr. Williams and having a confirming email indicating a pick up time.

How long are students going to be out of school?

Please know that this is a unique situation for Leadership Preparatory Academy, our state and our nation. We do not yet have all the answers, but we are committed to communicating with you as frequently and openly as possible. We are planning to be out for at least one week. This may change. Please continue to monitor our website for updates.

Is there a place where I can receive school lunch for my child?

The DeKalb County School District will begin providing daily meal service for students on Monday, March 16, 2020. All DeKalb County students can receive a free bagged lunch and snack daily Here is the link for locations

Will you continue with administering the Georgia Milestones Assessment?

To our knowledge, there has been no decision at this date to modify any testing plans and academic requirements. If there are any changes, we will promptly publish such changes.

Will students be marked absent while school is closed?

School is officially closed therefore, students are not considered present nor absent.

Will students have to make up the days when school is closed?

At this time, I am unaware of any discussion about students making up any days missed out of school as result of the Coronavirus.

What is eLearning?

Leadership Preparatory Academy recognizes classroom instruction as the most valuable learning environment. However, electronic learning is the next best platform to provide instruction and reinforcement of learning. Our students are very familiar with the use of this technology platform. LPA has been engaged in Google classrooms for over three years.

What does eLearning look like?

Each day students will receive their assignments through an electronic platform – grades K-1 should retrieve assignments from Class Dojo and grades 2-8 – should retrieve assignments from Google classroom. Students are required to upload their assignments each day. Classroom teachers have provided a block of time wherein they will be available to answer questions by email and in some cases, real time. Further, the teachers will conduct a “live” lesson at least once per week. You will need to follow the directions of the lesson template for specific directions on connecting to the lesson. Our Connection teachers will also be providing instruction during this out of school time. Please see the website for specific times that your scholar can participate in online physical education and technology classes. Remember, students attend their connection classes at different times, the schedule for these classes will be posted or linked to the homeroom teacher’s web based site instead of emailing each parent.

How much time is required of students to complete eLearning activities?

Students will be required to complete lesson assigned to them by their teachers. It is expected that students complete their lessons on the day of the eLearning assignment. Students should have at least three hours of work each day based on the grade level and the performance level of the student.

When are assignments due?

We ask that all students complete all assigned work during eLearning Timeframes. Teachers indicate the time that they are available for questions on each day.

What should I do if we do not have internet access?

Students without access to the Internet will be expected to complete their work within 2 regular school days once school has returned to session. Work turned in after 2 completed school days is subject to the late policies of each individual classroom teacher regarding late work. You will need to inform your child’s teacher by email if you do not have access to the internet.

Can I Complete Work During the School Day Once We Return to School?

If you are without Internet access and have informed your child’s teacher, then your child will be allowed to make up missed assignments. Your child will be allowed to complete the assignments during your child’s Connections period once school is in session.

Is my child’s teacher available for questions?

During this time the teachers and I will be engaged in a variety of online professional learning activities. The Academic Coaches and I have reviewed the lesson plans to ensure that our students should be able to complete their assignments independently. However, teachers will be available by email during the time frame listed on the student’s eLearning plan. Please understand that the teachers will be engaged in activities outside of the virtual learning platforms. Accordingly, there may be a delay in their response. Once more information about school opening is made available, I will conduct a webinar to answer parents questions. Please visit our website daily for important updates.

Dr. Tonya Williams

Chief Academic Officer / Chief Learning Officer

Additional resources

Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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